The constructor of the TumConfVideoScraper class.
The passcode to access the video.
The BrowserOptions to pass to the instance.
browserThe path to the browser executable. (Default value: '/usr/bin/google-chrome')
debug?: booleanIf true, it will show debug log. (Default value: false)
debugThe scope given to the euberlog debug logger. (Default value: 'VideoScraperCore')
windowThe object that says how big the window size will be. (Default value: { width: 1920, height: 1080 })
afterThis method is called after the page, with the specified url, is loaded. It can be used for things such as logging in if it is requested before reaching the video page.
The ScrapingOptions that can be used or changed in this method
audio?: booleanIf true, the audio will be recorded. (Default value: true)
audioThe chosen bitrate for the audio component of the media. If not specified, it will be adaptive, depending upon the sample rate and the number of channels. (Default value: undefined)
debug?: null | booleanIf null, the debug will be shown by looking at the passed BrowserOptions. Otherwise, if useGlobalDebug is false, this specifies if the debug will be shown.
debugIf useGlobalDebug is true, this will be ignore. Otherwise, this specifies if the euberlog logger scope for the debug of this scrape.
delayThe delay in milliseconds after that the duration milliseconds are past and before that the recording is stopped. (Default value: 15_000)
delayThe delay in milliseconds after that the play button has been clicked. (Default value: 0)
duration?: null | numberThe duration in milliseconds of the recorded video. The recording starts delayAfterVideoStarted milliseconds after that the play button has been clicked and finishes delayAfterVideoFinished milliseconds after that this duration has passed. If the value is null, the duration will be automatically gotten by looking at the page's video duration. (Default value: null)
frameThe number of milliseconds to record into each packet. (Default value: 20)
fullIf true, the video will be recorded after having put it on fullscreen. (Default value: false)
mimeThe mimetype of the recorded video or audio. (Default value: 'video/webm')
useIf true, the global logger will be used, ignoring other debug options in this object. (Default value: true)
video?: booleanIf true, the video will be recorded. (Default value: true)
videoThe chosen bitrate for the video component of the media. If not specified, the rate will be 2.5Mbps. (Default value: undefined)
The page (puppeteer) that is loaded
A logger instance to write log
getReturns the video full screen selector, which is used by the method setVideoToFullScreen to put the video in full screen.
getReturns the video play button selector, which is used by the method playVideo to play the video.
getGets the video duration by parsing the given page. This method can be overridden in case the page's way to display time is not compatible.
The extracted video duration
A browser page (of puppeteer)
A logger instance to write log
getReturns the video duration selector, which is used by the method getVideoDuration to extract the video duration text from the page.
handleGiven the duration text gotten from the page's HTML (e.g. 1:30:23), it returns the duration in milliseconds. This method can be overridden in case the page's time format is not compatible.
The duration in milliseconds.
The duration text gotten from the page's HTML.
playPlays the video by clicking the play button. This method can be overridden in case the page's way to start the video is not compatible.
A browser page (of puppeteer)
A logger instance to write log
Scrapes a video.
The url of the video to save
The path where the video will be saved. Note that the extension should be webm.
options: { audio?: boolean; audioBitsPerSecond?: number; debug?: null | boolean; debugScope?: null | string; delayAfterVideoFinished?: number; delayAfterVideoStarted?: number; duration?: null | number; frameSize?: number; fullScreen?: boolean; mimeType?: BrowserMimeType; useGlobalDebug?: boolean; video?: boolean; videoBitsPerSecond?: number }The ScrapingOptions to pass to this method.
audio?: booleanIf true, the audio will be recorded. (Default value: true)
audioThe chosen bitrate for the audio component of the media. If not specified, it will be adaptive, depending upon the sample rate and the number of channels. (Default value: undefined)
debug?: null | booleanIf null, the debug will be shown by looking at the passed BrowserOptions. Otherwise, if useGlobalDebug is false, this specifies if the debug will be shown.
debugIf useGlobalDebug is true, this will be ignore. Otherwise, this specifies if the euberlog logger scope for the debug of this scrape.
delayThe delay in milliseconds after that the duration milliseconds are past and before that the recording is stopped. (Default value: 15_000)
delayThe delay in milliseconds after that the play button has been clicked. (Default value: 0)
duration?: null | numberThe duration in milliseconds of the recorded video. The recording starts delayAfterVideoStarted milliseconds after that the play button has been clicked and finishes delayAfterVideoFinished milliseconds after that this duration has passed. If the value is null, the duration will be automatically gotten by looking at the page's video duration. (Default value: null)
frameThe number of milliseconds to record into each packet. (Default value: 20)
fullIf true, the video will be recorded after having put it on fullscreen. (Default value: false)
mimeThe mimetype of the recorded video or audio. (Default value: 'video/webm')
useIf true, the global logger will be used, ignoring other debug options in this object. (Default value: true)
video?: booleanIf true, the video will be recorded. (Default value: true)
videoThe chosen bitrate for the video component of the media. If not specified, the rate will be 2.5Mbps. (Default value: undefined)
Changes the BrowserOptions options.
The new options.
browserThe path to the browser executable. (Default value: '/usr/bin/google-chrome')
debug?: booleanIf true, it will show debug log. (Default value: false)
debugThe scope given to the euberlog debug logger. (Default value: 'VideoScraperCore')
windowThe object that says how big the window size will be. (Default value: { width: 1920, height: 1080 })
setSets the video put the video in fullscreen. This method can be overridden in case the page's way to put the video in fullscreen is not compatible.
A browser page (of puppeteer)
A logger instance to write log
Generated using TypeDoc
The TumConfVideoScraper class, that scrapes a video from a "TumConf WebKonferenze" and saves it to a file.